For many years, we’ve been told that our true potential and ultimate happiness can only be found on the other side of adversity, in a place that is far from comfortable.
We’re constantly being told to be more, say more and not just step outside our comfort zone but completely relocate and get a house with a mortgage we’ll never pay off in this supremely uncomfortable zone.
The global sports category has been blasting us for decades with unrealistic and aspirational images telling us to harness our “inner athlete”, encouraging us that we can be anyone we want to be and do anything we want to do.
So instead of encouraging you to live life on the edge of your comfort zone 24/7, Koala’s encouraging you to embrace comfort and Just do You instead.
VP, Creative: Andrew Cameron
CD, Copy: Taylor Thornton
Writer: Matt Koo
Art Director: Elana Robson
Photographer: Pip Cowley
Director: Madeline Kelly
Production: Revolver Will O’Rourke